What Factors Can Reduce a Sentence in Federal Court?
Numerous elements can impact the outcome of sentencing in federal court. These factors include the defendant's actions, history, and personal circumstances. For instance, showing genuine remorse, assisting law enforcement, and highlighting mitigating circumstances can lead to more lenient sentencing. Gaining insight into these elements can help you better prepare for what lies...

Upcoming Changes in Federal Sentencing: What’s New?
On April 30, 2024, the United States Sentencing Commission delivered its annual amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to Congress. These guidelines, used to calculate sentencing ranges for federal crimes, consider the defendant’s conduct, offense circumstances, personal history, and victim restitution needs. Although advisory,...

How “Acquitted Conduct” Could Affect Your Sentence
You might be surprised to learn that even if you're acquitted of certain charges, those charges could still affect your sentence. This concept, known as "acquitted conduct," allows courts to consider allegations you were found not guilty of when determining your punishment. Understanding how this works and its implications can be crucial...

Youth and Sentencing: What’s Changing?
The landscape of juvenile justice in Michigan is undergoing significant changes with the recent passage of the Justice for Kids and Communities bill package. This new legislation aims to improve outcomes for youth offenders, enhance public safety, and ensure more efficient use of state resources. Key provisions include promoting community-based services, using...