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TITABAWASSEE TWP., MI — A steel door buzzes open. Dozens of inmates enter a white day room to visit with children, parents, wives and girlfriends.

In shuffles Marquise Cromer, a 250-pound-plus, 6-foot-3 convicted cop killer.

The 23-year-old Detroit man sits in a chair that seems much too small for him. He’s shy. Cromer’s eyes are dark and wide, his soft black hair twisted into short dreadlocks, his face pudgy.

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About the Author
Led by Sanford Schulman, the Federal Criminal Attorneys of Michigan bring to each client over three decades of experience and many ‘not guilty’ verdicts. With your life, livelihood, and that of your family on the line, you don’t just deserve a team that goes to bat for you on a daily basis; you absolutely need one. Our attorneys spare no effort, skill, or determination in serving defendants and their families. We strive to provide an unparalleled level of commitment and ability to your case—precisely when you need it most.