Medical professional with a stethoscope next to the gavel and mallet

Which Agency Handles Healthcare Fraud in the United States?

Healthcare fraud is a significant challenge in the United States, involving deceptive practices that aim to illicitly gain from the healthcare system. The scope and complexity of healthcare fraud are vast. Various federal and state agencies are tasked with combating these fraudulent activities, employing a range of strategies and tools to protect...

Which Agency Handles Healthcare Fraud in the United States? Continue reading…
Medical professional being served healthcare fraud papers

3 Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Fraud Charges

Healthcare fraud charges are a complex and often misunderstood area of federal criminal law. They encompass a range of activities, from intentional deception for financial gain to unintentional coding errors that can mistakenly appear fraudulent. Such charges can impact individuals, small medical practices, or large healthcare organizations, bringing significant legal consequences....

3 Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Fraud Charges Continue reading…