How Much Prison Time Can I Get for a Gun Charge?
Getting arrested for a gun charge can present a very challenging situation for criminal defendants here in Detroit and throughout Michigan. Gun charges can either be state or federal, so you may be facing one or more prosecutions. Whether your charges stem from the use of a firearm in the commission...

Understanding Michigan Weapon Laws
Michigan's weapon laws can be complex, with specific regulations defining permissible actions for owning, carrying, and using firearms and other weapons. Differentiating between open carry and concealed carry, understanding the process for obtaining necessary permits, and recognizing prohibited areas are crucial for lawful weapon possession. Moreover, being aware of the activities...

What to Do if You’re Accused of Illegal Weapon Possession
Being accused of the illegal possession of a weapon is a serious matter, and potentially a very stressful one. If you find yourself in this situation, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself and prepare for a strong defense. The Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan have extensive...